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A Message from The Chair

Dear Friends,

The UVA IDEA Fund is the most influential vehicle for alumni from the University of Virginia passionate about diversity, equity, inclusion, and access. It was created in 2010 with the goal of making institutional change at the University but also change that would also benefit the communities in Charlottesville and beyond. We are focused on action-oriented leadership, and I enthusiastically welcome you to learn more about us and the work we do.

Inclusion is our commitment. It means creating spaces where every voice is heard, every experience valued, and every individual respected. Inclusion is not passive; it requires active engagement, empathy, and a willingness to learn from one another.

Diversity is our strength, infusing the Grounds of UVA with a rich tapestry of perspectives, backgrounds, and talents. It is the spark that ignites innovation and propels us toward a brighter future.

Equity is our compass. We recognize that systemic barriers persist, and we are dedicated to dismantling them. Equity ensures that everyone has a fair shot at success, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Access is our promise. We believe that our University and its abundant resources should be accessible to all, regardless of where they are from, who they love, or what physical challenges they face.

I encourage you to join us on this journey, the journey to cultivate a University community that is inclusive, diverse, equitable and accessible.

Shannon Bryan, Chairman of the Board

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“Diversity and inclusion are among the highest responsibilities for institutions of higher education and, in particular, UVA. Diversity is a source of strength. It’s a source of vibrancy. And it’s part of an obligation to be open to all, and to welcome all. It’s not simply enough to assemble a diverse group of students or faculty. It’s important to take the next step and make sure all feel included. That’s an incredibly important mission, and one that is ever-evolving.”  — President James Ryan, September 15, 2017

“I see a community that is as vibrant as it is diverse, a community bound by shared values of student self – governance and responsibility, honor and integrity, openness and civility, intellectual rigor and human compassion, and a community willing to build bridges across apparent lines of difference so that we can learn from each other and fully realize the power of gathering and cultivating such a diverse community. A community that is not simply inclusive and equitable, but also integrated.” – President James Ryan