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Join the Board

Join the AAPAAN Board

CouncilServing on the AAPAAN Board is both an honor and a privilege. Board members help plan events, coordinate our scholarship and mentorship programs, and shape the future of the national UVA APA network. Consider applying for election to the AAPAAN Board – or nominate someone you know. We elect new members to AAPAAN Board every spring and we would be happy to consider your application or nomination.

Why serve on the Board?

1) Serve and give back to the UVA student and alumni community.
2) Network with other UVA. alumni professionals.
3) Have fun connecting with old friends and meeting new ones.
4) Relive a little of your Wahoo experience!

What does it take to serve on AAPAAN Board? Board Member responsibilities include:

1. Serve a three-year term

2. Attend Board meetings twice a year

3. Donate at least $100 annually to AAPAAN (to the best of one’s ability).  The donation can be to AAPAAN’s general operating funds or to the AAPAAN Scholarship fund.


All questions about the AAPAAN board should be directed to Rose Zu (AAPAAN Chair) at