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Events & News

Save the Date: 2023 Rotunda Dinner Celebration

Save the date! Join us in the Rotunda on April 22, 2023, as the AAPAAN Board hosts an evening dinner reception celebrating the 2023 AAPAAN Scholarship and the AAPI Achievement Award recipients.  Mark your calendars – we’d love to have you and your families join us in our celebration! Meet current and past scholarship recipients, hear how […]


2023 AAPI Advancement Award Nominations are Live!

AAPAAN wants your input! Last year we launched the AAPI Advancement Award to honor current UVA faculty members who have made significant contributions towards greater understanding and appreciation of Asian culture or Asian-American relations. We were encouraged by the positive response of the AAPI community to the inaugural award, and we want to make sure […]


AAPAAN Wants to Hear From You!

Happy New Year! The AAPAAN Board would like your feedback on how we can best serve you, the AAPI alumni of UVA, in 2023 and beyond. Results from this survey will help drive our future programming and strategy. Please take a few moments to provide us with your thoughts by Friday, January 13, 2023 – […]


Mentoring Opportunity

UVA’s Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion has launched a leadership development program for undergraduate students at UVA called MOCHA (Men of Color, Honor, and Ambition) and WOCHA (Women of Color, Honor, and Ambition). The mentoring portion of this program is vital to its success, and the program does its best to match mentees with […]


Breakfast with UVA Launchpad Students

Breakfast with UVA Launchpad Students Friday, July 29, 2022 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. ET George Mason University (Exact Location TBA) 4400 University Drive Fairfax, VA 22030 All alumni, friends, and families are invited to join the UVA Club of Washington, DC for a breakfast with UVA Launchpad students! Connect with students participating in the […]


2022 AAPI Advancement Award Ceremony Speakers

We are excited to be joined by several wonderful speakers at this year’s AAPI Advancement Award Ceremony. Throughout the event, each speaker presented a TED-Talk-style presentation. To learn more about each speaker and their presentation, please read the descriptions below: Name of Lecture: In an Unlikely Place, a Very American Girl Story Wendy Wan-Long Shang […]


2022 Events for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

Please save the date for the following virtual events that will be hosted by AAPAAN during Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. More information to come. AAPI Representation in the Arts Wednesday, April 27, 2022, 7:00-8:00PM Registration Optimizing Health in Times of Great Change: A Conversation on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Functional Medicine Monday, May […]

AAPAAN News, Upcoming Events

Vote for the 2022 AAPI Advancement Award Winner

Thank you for your continuing participation in the AAPI Advancement Award selection process! As a reminder, this is an award given to a UVA faculty based on their contributions to the AAPI community. The winner will receive $5,000 to donate to their UVA department of choice! Below are the 4 candidates in the running: Jack […]


2022 Scholarship Reception

AAPAAN is excited to announce an in-person celebration to honor this year’s scholarship winners, as well as to honor the recipients of the past two years’ scholarships. An AAPAAN board member has graciously offered to host the event at his house. To be respectful of all those in attendance, we ask that all participants be […]


Seeking Nominations for the AAPI Advancement Award

AAPAAN wants your input! As part of our upcoming May Heritage Month celebration, we are hosting a special event to honor a current or former UVA faculty/staff member who has made significant contributions towards greater understanding and appreciation of Asian culture or Asian-American relations. And to make this a truly inclusive event where every AAPAAN […]

AAPAAN News, Upcoming Events