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Get Involved

Get Involved with AAPAAN

Getting involved with AAPAAN is easy – all you have to do is ask.  There are several ways to get involved, such as by joining one of our committees, or volunteering to be on the Board. Please contact Randy Wong at to share your interest.

Become a Mentor

AAPAAN is looking to connect current UVA students with alumni to further explore career opportunities and advice, post-grad life, and more! If you, or someone you know, is interested in being a mentor, or being paired with a mentor please let us know by visiting our mentorship program webpage.

Join the Board

Serving on the AAPAAN Board is an honor and a privilege … and is extremely rewarding and a lot of fun. We are looking for a few good men and women to serve on the AAPAAN Council. Do you know an alumus who’d like to help us grow our network? Someone who’s looking for a way to support fellow alumni? A friend who’d like to give back to our University?

Join a Committee

Most of AAPAAN’s activities take place within our committees. You are welcome to join a committee, even if you are not on the AAPAAN Council! Take a look at our committees and their responsibilities, and please contact the committee chair to see how you can get involved.