One of the University of Virginia’s most enduring traditions and strengths is the entrustment of much decision-making to students. Just as student-self governance is the core of Thomas Jefferson’s university, so too it is for Delta Chapter.
2023-2024 Executive Board
Office | Officer |
Worthy Master | Ramy Farah |
Worthy Marshall | Colin Fogarty |
WKE | Dylan Millard |
House Manager | Lucas Rayder |
Worthy Chaplain | Cameron Naim |
Worthy Scribe | Lucas Rayder |
Risk Manager | Ethan Lyons |
Board of Trustees
Ian Holman | Chair
Vacant | Alumni Engagement Chair
John Sweeney | Alumni Finance Chair
Matias Hahn | Communications Chair
Kyle Guzik | Recruitment Chair
Jim O’Reilly | Senior Advisor
David White | Senior Advisor
Mike Bray
Raymond Hyser
Michael Lapp
Troy Holsworth
Chris Hume
Sam Grimmelbein
Jason Watkins