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One of the University of Virginia’s most enduring traditions and strengths is the entrustment of much decision-making to students. Just as student-self governance is the core of Thomas Jefferson’s university, so too it is for Delta Chapter.

2023-2024 Executive Board

Office Officer
Worthy Master Ramy Farah
Worthy Marshall Colin Fogarty
WKE Dylan Millard
House Manager Lucas Rayder
Worthy Chaplain Cameron Naim
Worthy Scribe Lucas Rayder
Risk Manager Ethan Lyons

Board of Trustees

Ian Holman | Chair
Vacant | Alumni Engagement Chair
John Sweeney | Alumni Finance Chair
Matias Hahn | Communications Chair
Kyle Guzik | Recruitment Chair
Jim O’Reilly | Senior Advisor
David White | Senior Advisor
Mike Bray
Raymond Hyser
Michael Lapp
Troy Holsworth
Chris Hume
Sam Grimmelbein
Jason Watkins