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Fall Phone-Banking Campaign: Calling On Alumni To Make Calls

Do you miss your Cavalier Daily friends? Want a good excuse to talk to them again?

The CD and the CDAA are teaming up for a joint phone-banking fundraiser this fall, from Sept. 4-15 – and we need your help. We’re looking for alumni who will volunteer to call their former CD colleagues. Once we have volunteers lined up, we’ll share the steps for signing up to call specific alumni.

Our goal is to have CDAA members call 1,000 alumni, while volunteers from the current CD staff will call the rest.

In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions. As a reminder, we raised over $70,000 a few summers ago with a campaign that strictly involved email appeals. Our hope is that the personal touch of a phone-banking campaign can generate even greater results.