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Events & News

Fall Updates from The Cavalier Daily Staff

Dear alumni and friends of The Cavalier Daily, I hope you’re all well. As I write this message, it’s a lovely fall day on Grounds, and everyone is getting back into the swing of near-normal life here — we’re learning in classrooms again, fans are allowed in Scott Stadium, and the news has certainly picked […]


Meet Alexis Gravely, our new Cavalier Daily Alumni Association President

Dear Cavalier Daily alumni and friends, My name is Alexis Gravely, and I’m writing to introduce myself as the Cavalier Daily Alumni Association’s new president. I was elected during our board meeting last month, and I’m thrilled to be stepping into this role for the CDAA after joining the Board last year. I’m guided by […]


Introducing Jenn Brice, The Cavalier Daily’s new EIC

Dear Cavalier Daily alumni and friends, My name is Jenn Brice, and I’m The Cavalier Daily’s editor-in-chief for the 132nd term. I am deeply grateful for this opportunity to introduce myself to such an accomplished group of CD alumni and friends, who have built a tradition of impactful independent student journalism at the University of […]


Meet The Cavalier Daily’s next editor-in-chief

Dear Cavalier Daily alumni, As we head into a new year, we are excited to introduce you to The Cavalier Daily’s next editor-in-chief, Jenn Brice. Last month, The Cavalier Daily staff elected Jenn to serve as their top editor for the paper’s 132nd term. Support Student Journalism Jenn is a third-year English major who served as managing […]


How The Cavalier Daily navigated a semester like no other

Dear Cavalier Daily alumni, As we turn the page on a uniquely challenging year, I would like to share some stories with you all about how The Cavalier Daily managed to cover a semester like none other. Although we continue to document this historic story, gone (for now) are the days when editors and reporters […]


Support student journalism with a gift to The Cavalier Daily

Dear Cavalier Daily alumni, We hope you are safe and healthy this holiday season. This month saw the conclusion of a historic, mostly-virtual semester at the University of Virginia, which The Cavalier Daily staff documented with consistent and in-depth news coverage. It was a unique and challenging experience for the CD staff to do this […]


Today is GivingTuesday. Support The Cavalier Daily

Help us raise money today to fund our continued support for The Cavalier Daily staff and their exceptional student journalism, particularly as they cover the COVID-19 pandemic’s impacts on UVA and the end of an unprecedented semester. Please consider sending a tax-deductible contribution to the Cavalier Daily Alumni Association on this GivingTuesday. Your donation will support initiatives like helping […]


Support The Cavalier Daily on GivingTuesday, 12/1

“GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world.” This year, GivingTuesday is taking place on December 1, 2020. Please save this date and plan to give to the Cavalier Daily Alumni Fund. The Cavalier Daily staff continues to publish its independent student journalism in these unprecedented times, […]


CDAA Update: Board Elections, Alumni Honors, Reunion Postponed

  Dear Cavalier Daily alumni, I wanted to give you an update on the activities of the Cavalier Daily Alumni Association, which met earlier this month to elect a new Board and address a few important issues – such as fundraising and reunions – that have been impacted by COVID-19. First, please join me in […]


Upcoming CDAA Elections on Aug. 2

Dear Cavalier Daily alumni, We hope you are staying as safe and well as possible during these tumultuous times. As the University approaches the start of the fall semester, the Cavalier Daily Alumni Association needs to hold our annual elections and plan for the year ahead. On August 2, the CDAA will convene (via teleconference) […]
