Last summer, we kicked off our 2022-2023 annual campaign with the following goals:
- Replace the floor in the old kitchen
- Make repairs and improvements to additional bedrooms and bathroom
- Repair or replace dead Outlets in common areas
- Replace the porch gutters and the main downspout from the roof
- Continue our communications contract with the alumni association
- Maintain a strategic reserve for potential emergencies
As we conclude the campaign, we have received donations of almost $22,000 from 40 brothers across six decades. Thank you to everyone who contributed:
- Wilson Black ʼ61
- Lee Albright ʼ62
- Nick Suhr ʼ64
- Earl Fuller ʼ64
- Bob Berry ʼ69
- Peter Sanborne ʼ69
- Jay Jones ʼ74
- Randy Bayliss ʼ75
- Bill Hamilton ʼ79
- Norman Thomas ʼ78
- Greg Deaver ʼ78
- Jim Gillespie ʼ79
- Paul Ikeda ʼ81
- Bob Light ʼ83
- Jack Biddle ʼ83
- Noah Sack ʼ83
- Tom Howder ʼ85
- Jeff Moulds ʼ88
- Phil Rhodes ʼ90
- John Fiege ʼ90
- Chandler Williams ʼ91
- Ken Haines ʼ92
- Ed Buckler ʼ92
- Mark Pendergrast ʼ92
- Scott Soleau ʼ93
- Gary Chenkin ʼ93
- Probal Hasan ʼ93
- Wayne Nelson ʼ93
- Doug Moseley ʼ93
- John Gressang ʼ94
- Andrew Troth ʼ94
- Haskell Brown ʼ95
- Steve Ricks ʼ94
- Jason Redisch ʼ96
- Roy Brown ʼ96
- Jonathan Leech ʼ96
- Quentin Bearse ʼ01
I’m happy to report that we achieved most of the goals listed above. We replaced the asbestos-laden floor in old kitchen, fixed several electrical and plumbing issues, and made improvements to several bedrooms and bathrooms. We also renewed our contract with the Alumni Association and made some initial repairs to the gutters. Thanks to your donations, we were able to do all this without drawing down on the strategic reserve that we built from the prior year’s campaign.
Our financial position has also improved markedly as the brotherhood has grown. All of the bedrooms in the house are occupied for the new academic year. Our increased income should cover all of our base expenses, and also provide us some steady funds for continued physical improvements. This should allow us to focus future campaign donations on making more significant improvements and building our strategic reserve for the future.