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Announcing Our 2022-2023 Annual Campaign

PSK House - Street View

Last spring, we started our 2021-2022 annual campaign with the objective of sustaining the chapter through the current academic year and giving the brothers the opportunity to grow the chapter back to a sustainable size. Our initial goal for this campaign was $60,000. We are happy to report that our 2021-2022 campaign raised just over $70,000 in donations from 127 brothers across six decades. We’d like to thank all of our donors for helping us exceed our initial campaign goal by $10,000.

The chapter is well on its way back to a self-sustaining size, and the repairs and improvements financed by our 2021-2022 annual campaign have greatly improved the condition of the house. We’ve made great progress, but there is still more that needs to be done to place the house on a firm foundation for the future.

The Column Club board met recently to discuss our priorities for the upcoming year. We are kicking off our 2022-2023 annual campaign with a target of $30,000 based on the following objectives:

  • Replace the Porch Gutters and the Main Downspout from the Roof
  •  Replace the Floor in the Old Kitchen
  • Make Repairs and Improvements to Additional Bedrooms and Bathrooms
  • Repair or Replace Dead Outlets in the First Floor and Basement Common Areas
  • Continue our Communications Contract with the Alumni Association
  • Continue Building a Strategic Reserve

We are deeply grateful for the strong response we saw to last year’s campaign. We hope we can count on your continued support to build on this success. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at

Contribute to the Campaign