November 2021
Brothers of Psi Chapter,
We’d like to update you on our progress revitalizing our chapter. Last spring, we took the necessary steps to ensure the immediate survival of the chapter and laid out several key goals for the 2021-2022 academic year:
- Build alumni engagement through regular communications
- Complete urgent repairs to the fraternity house
- Support the chapter’s recruitment and membership education efforts
- Raise funds from our alumni to support the chapters operations and each of the previous goals
As we look forward to the upcoming spring semester, we have positive results to report on all these goals:
- We have now distributed three eNewsletters and one mailed letter. Our tracking indicates that we have reached over 400 alumni with our message.
- We have completed significant repairs and upgrades to the fraternity house.
- The chapter has completed a successful fall rush resulting in four new recruits. The AAG is helping the chapter plan for the spring rush (when first-year students can be recruited).
- We have now reached our initial $60,000 target for our annual campaign. We are continuing our campaign efforts to fund some additional repairs in the spring and build an operating reserve for the future.
We’ve made a lot of progress since last spring, but we still have significant work to do. Our most important goal for the upcoming spring is help the actives conduct a successful spring rush, so that the chapter can build back to a self-sustaining size for the 2022-2023 academic year. Creating and executing a solid recruitment plan based on informal networking will be essential to this effort.
In closing, we’d like to thank you for your ongoing help in revitalizing the chapter. We will continue to update you as we have more news to report.