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Support Student Life

Click here to give to Student Affairs.

Our goals have one simple focus: the UVa student experience. If you are interested in results-oriented philanthropy, a gift to Student Affairs is an investment in students -future leaders of society. We create and nurture opportunities for students to be hands-on leaders through our unique system of student self-governance.

The generosity of private support to the Division of Student Affairs will allow us to sustain and advance the unparalleled student experience at the University. Your gift will assist in program creation for both targeted student communities and in addressing contemporary social issues. These resources will also provide flexible funding to engage student leaders in a host of timely learning opportunities throughout the course of an academic year. The aim of these efforts is to preserve the foundational underpinnings -honor and self-governance- of the UV. experience while charting new ground in preparing our students to become tomorrow’s leaders.

Summer Orientation 2010

Our programmatic and operational priorities reflect the breadth of impact we make on the student experience at UVa. Please click on each initiative for more detail.

Thank you for your interest in supporting the student experience and student life at the University of Virginia.