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2016 Alumni Weekends

This semester, a number of alumni of all ages returned to their old stomping ground to relive their glory days. We had a wonderful turnout, and it was truly wonderful to see so many familiar faces back at the house. Brothers and Alumni engaged amicably for a tailgate, where many played games together and had a great time. It is always pleasant when Brothers past and present interact and share stories, and this year’s Alumni Weekend was no exception.

In addition to Alumni Weekend, we also hosted Young Alumni Reunion, or YAR, where alumni who have graduated within the past five years are invited to return to the house. Because these Alumni are very close in age to the active Brotherhood, this reunion was especially enjoyable for old friends who had not seen each other in a while. Engaging over another tailgate and ongoing events at the house, the young Alumni and the active Brotherhood combined to create an extremely fun atmosphere.