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News & Events

December 2017 New Members

Congratulations to the new members of Sigma Pi: Austin Baney Nicholas Carmichael Sugnwoo Cho Mohammad Daher Arindam ‘Reeshi’ Datta Christopher Debo Faraz Farzad Alex Gordon Jack Grunberg Justin Habert Will Keyes Josh Lee Joseph Nelson Ian O’Donnell Jake Rhodes Jack Trismen


Class of 2017 Brothers

A total of 26 brothers wore the honors of Honor this past spring, and graduated from the University of Virginia: Jose Alvarez Ryan Bannon Jeremy Baruch Austin Beane Drew Board Andrew Citera West Connors Dan Costello Leo Cvitanovich Lucas de Oliveira Brent Do Ryan Dowd Emre Ercelebi JC Gamble Trevor Hele Matt Helmus Gerard Jalowski […]


2014 Brother Accomplishments

Jon Torre ’14 received a $1,500 grant for research on Identifying Patterns in Reservoir Carbon Emissions, which took first place at the Undergraduate Research Symposium. JC Gamble ’17 founded a nonprofit, Tunes for Our Troops, at UVA. TJ Burke ’15 is the Vice Chair for Programming for the University Programs Council. Eric McDonald ’17 was […]

News, Uncategorized

2014 Letter from the President

Dear Alumni, My name is Axel Tarnvik and I am the current Sage at the Beta Pi Chapter of Sigma Pi at the University of Virginia. A little about myself: I am a Third-Year Computer Science major in the Engineering School from Loudoun County, Virginia. I am originally from Umea, Sweden, a small town in northern Sweden […]

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2014 Surf and Turf

  For the past seven years, Beta-Pi has been hosting the Surf and Turf philanthropy event.  Each year the brothers pick a charity to benefit, and this year we partnered with Building Tomorrow, a nonprofit here at the University of Virginia benefiting low income communities in Uganda.  The event included marinated steak, shrimp, and vegetables paired […]

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2014 Rush Update

Alumni, This year Beta Pi had an incredibly successful rush, drawing a pledge class of 25 new members. This was the first year operating under the University’s newly shortened two-week schedule, and the hard work and planning put forth by the Brotherhood made the transition seamless. Highlights of the process included Broomball at the downtown […]

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Spring 2012 President’s Letter

Daly Brower | Beta-Pi President The spring 2012 semester was a very exciting one for the brothers of the Beta-Pi chapter. We started off the semester being able to build on our momentum from the fall semester with a very successful brotherhood workday to build new stages and improve the house. In the fall Beta-Pi […]


Surf & Turf Philanthropy 2012

On April 20th, the Beta-Pi chapter working had its fifth annual Surf and Turf philanthropy event. This year there were over 700 attendees and more than $11,000 of revenue was raised for Nursing Students Without Borders. It was a great time, with plenty of shrimp and steak accompanied by live music from several local bands.


Spring Rush 2012

The Beta-Pi chapter had a great spring rush this year with 12 new men joining the fraternity. Throughout rush, brothers worked hard to ensure that everything went well and truly displayed the values of Sigma Pi. An old rush favorite was brought back as we took a trip to Roanoke to see Monster Jam, a […]
