2016 Information Meetings and Open Tryouts

Row for Virginia!

University of Virginia Rowing invites all first- and second-year athletic men to try out for the men’s novice rowing team.

Prior rowing experience is NOT required or even especially relevant. Athleticism and long-term potential are the most important factors.

Information Meetings

Prospective athletes should attend one of the following information sessions:

  • Saturday, August 27, at the UVa boathouse (Shuttle vans will meet everyone at the corner of O-Hill at 2PM). You may also drive yourself. Address is 276 Woodlands Rd.
  • Sunday, August 28, at the UVa boathouse (Shuttle vans will meet everyone at the corner of O-Hill at 2PM). You may also drive yourself. Address is 276 Woodlands Rd.
  • Sunday, August 28, at 7PM, in Gilmer Hall 190 (information-only session, no rowing)
  • Monday August 29, at the UVa boathouse (Shuttle vans will meet everyone at the corner of O-Hill at 6PM). You may also drive yourself. Address is 276 Woodlands Rd.

Athletes are encouraged to attend a boathouse information session if possible. If you come to the boathouse, dress to work out! You’ll tour the boathouse, learn about the program, meet some of the varsity rowers, and even take a short row in our training barge.

Each boathouse information session (from the time you leave Grounds to when you return) takes less than 2 hours.


Tryouts will take place at Slaughter Recreation Center on

  • Wednesday, August 31
  • Thursday, September 1
  • Friday, September 2

Each athlete should attend just TWO of the three tryout days—whichever days fit your schedule best.

Each session is about an hour long, and they start at 3PM, 4PM, 5PM, and 6PM. Attend any one of the sessions that works with your schedule each day.

Tryouts are straightforward: we teach everyone to row the indoor ergometer, and you’ll pull a couple short pieces for time (one on each day).

Tryouts are a two-day process, though if your schedule will not allow you to attend both days, we can work with this. Just let the coaches know of the scheduling conflict.

Team Brochure

Click here to receive the team’s recruiting brochure. It answers all of the usual questions that people have every year. You’re also invited to e-mail the novice coach, Erich Shuler, with any questions: eshuler@embarqmail.com.


Rowing at UVa is, without a doubt, one of the best things a person can do with his/her 4 years at the University. It is absolutely one of the best things happening on Grounds.

It’s demanding. It requires time and discipline—which, of course, scares some people away.

Don’t let it.

You’re not at college to stay in your comfort zone, but rather to grow, to mature, and to push into new territory. Rise to the challenge. You can do it.