Redwood, Massie-stroke, Doswell-bow, John P. Nelson-coxswain
Cowardin-No. 3, Harper-No. 2
The Rives Boat Club’s sixth race was held July 4, 1882 in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Three crews competed: the Rives, Cockade City Boat Club of Petersburg, and Olympic Boat Club of Richmond. The course raced was one and a half miles.
“This contest was won easily by the University,” with eight lengths over second-place Cockade City and fifteen lengths over last-place Olympic. “The Olympics were coached by a professional from Cambridge, Mass., named Brene; but they killed themselves in the first mile trying to keep pace with the University, who were rowing with a great sweep set by the powerful Massie, and six hundred yards from the finish the Cockade City took second place from the Richmond crew.”
“This was probably the last race in which the Rives took part. Thereafter the Magazine is silent on the subject of boating, except for a thee or four line note in October, 1883, announcing the election of Davies Cox as president of the club and certain other students for other offices. Out of six races five were won and accident alone prevented the winning of the sixth.”
The Crew:
Bow: Albert Sidney Doswell of Fredericksburg, Va.
No. 2: William A. Harper of New York City
No. 3: Samuel Pendleton Cowardin of Richmond, Va.
Stroke: Patrick Cabell Massie, captain, of Massie’s Mills, Va.
John P. Nelson, coxswain, steering (photo)
Steering: John Redwood, coach, of Baltimore, Md. (text)
Newsletters, Programs, & Press
The Virginia University Magazine Volume XLIV| Abbreviated Version with Pages Involving Rowing | Full Version via UVA and Hathi Trust | October 1882