Board of Directors

President: Andy Fletcher, Law ’92  Pittsburgh, PA

Vice President: Matt Miller, Engr ’11/Darden ’18  Atlanta, GA

Treasurer: Stacie Reid, Com MS ’96  Charlottesville, VA

Secretary: Audrey Wagner, Col ’03  Washington, DC

Head Coach/Director of Rowing: Frank Biller  Charlottesville, VA

John Heuisler, Col ’97  Baltimore, MD

David Kudravetz, Com ’71, Earlysville, VA

Stephan Matanovic, Col ’95  Philadelphia, PA

Patrick McGrath Engr ’01  Washington, DC

Tom McIntosh, Engr ’72  Free Union, VA

Dan Mudd, Col ’80  Washington, DC

Meredith Remigino, West Hartford, CT

Ty Saitta, Com ’14  New York, NY

Deb Schilling  Com ’77  Alexandria, VA