Dear Alumnae and Friends,
This is my first semester as the Alumnae Relations Chair and my second semester in the wonderful Virginia Women’s Chorus! I am so excited to be a part of such an empowering group of women, and I cannot express my pleasure to serve on the Managing Board for the Chorus. My experiences in the Chorus have truly shaped my first year at UVa, from giving me my first group of friends at the University to allowing me to perform fantastic pieces of music in a group that has been a staple on Grounds for over forty years! I hope that in my year as Alumnae Relations Chair, I may organize a network to keep all of our alumnae informed and connected to the Chorus for years to come!
If you wish to contact other alumnae from your year or become more involved with the AIG Board, please feel free to contact me at We hope to grow our community within UVa as well as far beyond the steps of Old Cabell. If you have not already, please take a look at our Virginia Women’s Chorus Alumnae Facebook page, our Virginia Women’s Chorus website, and our Virginia Women’s Chorus Facebook page. Take a look at these links and like our pages to stay connected with Chorus friends, stay updated with the events of the current Chorus, or donate to grow and support our wonderful Chorus!
In addition, we will be having a reception for alumnae after our Spring Concert on April 2. Our concert will take place at 4 pm in Old Cabell Hall. Please come to the concert to see the current Chorus perform, and then attend the reception to catch up with friends over drinks and Sticks catering in St. Paul’s Memorial Church from 6:30-8:00 pm. We hope to see you there!
Thank you,
Mary Croghan