The Bolívar Network Book Scholarship
The Bolívar Network (BN), also known as La Red Bolívar, was founded at the University of Virginia (UVA) in 1997. Our mission as alumni is to connect and foster the UVA familia.
The BN Book Scholarship was first established in 2004 to support the educational endeavors of undergraduate Latinx/Hispanic students attending UVA and defray the high cost of textbooks. In 2008, the BN Book Scholarship was expanded to support graduate Latinx/Hispanic students and two graduate awards were given out in both 2009 and 2010. In 2022, the graduate BN Book Scholarship was reactivated.
By establishing the Book Scholarship, the BN seeks to acknowledge the intellectual, political, and social contributions that Hispanic/Latinx students make to the University community and to encourage their ongoing participation and efforts to strengthen the community, both on- and off-Grounds. The Book Scholarship has been given to current UVA Latinx students who stand out in the following areas both on and off Grounds:
- Academic Achievement, Interests, and Results
- Latinx/Hispanic/Latin American Impact
- Leadership
- Service
- Vision
If you are interested in being a part of the Scholarship Committee, being a part of the Scoring Committee, or donating to the Scholarship Fund, please let us know. If you would like to contribute to the Book Scholarship please donate here.