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Spring 2019: Latinx Alumni Weekend and History Website Launch

Spearheaded by 2018-2019 LSA President, Kayla Dunn, the Latinx Alumni Weekend was brought to Grounds from April 12 to 14. Kicking off the series of events was Days on the Lawn for prospective students. There were additional social events including a soccer game, cultural showcase, and a group dinner. Additionally, thanks to the leadership of Natalia Heguaburo, the Latinx History Website was launched and celebrated during the Launch Party at the Colonnade Club. Natalia has been working to create a website that archives the history of many undergraduate Hispanic/Latinx organizations at UVA to serve as an ongoing project, which will be used by future Latinx students in the years to come and reinforce the contributions of the Hispanic/Latinx community at the University of Virginia. This event showcased her work on the website to her peers, community, and administrators and guests also heard from alumnus Gina Flores. A piece in the Cavalier Daily was written to share additional information about the weekend. Kayla Dunn is now taking the baton and continuing this work through a fellowship with the UVA Library and is seeking to conduct interviews with UVA Hispanic/Latinx alumni. If you are interested in participating please fill out this interest form and read more about her work in this article.