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The Raven Award

Each year, the Raven Society confers an Award to recognize excellence in service and contribution to the University of Virginia. This is the highest honor that the Society can bestow on an individual. The Award is reserved to honor students, faculty, administrators, or alumni of the University who have widely and sympathetically shared, supported, and advanced the function of this institution. Nominees need NOT be members of the Raven Society. The Award is not to be conferred solely for some exceptional attainment in some limited field of student activity, scholarship, or professional specialization.

  • Alumni:
    • In the nomination of alumni, genuine contributions to art, commerce, education, government, justice, literature, science, or social welfare shall be deemed necessary. Additionally, they shall have been of outstanding service to the University.


  • Faculty and Administrators:
    • In the nomination of faculty and administrators, distinction in several of the following broad fields of service shall be deemed necessary: teaching, scholarly or creative activities, administration, and contribution to student life and interests. Nominees shall have been full-time employees as faculty or administrators for a total of no fewer than ten years.


  • Students:
    • In the nomination of students, evidence of growth of scholarly interest is a necessary consideration, but effective contribution to the activities constituting the life of the University shall be an essential factor. Such participation and contribution shall be broadly defined to include leadership and constructive personal influence for the betterment of the morale of the institution. These criteria are an expression of an ideal of multifaceted excellence as a student and as a person. Nominees must be in their last session of work for their degrees.