Greetings Xi Brothers,
Behold the amazing results of the construction at 600 Preston Place! Take a look at the latest photos at By the time you receive this update, we expect to be within a week of completing the addition, including landscaping.
The generosity of more than 380 brothers has enabled this considerable accomplishment. Our capital campaign gift total stands at $667,646. Of that total, we have collected $576,608. We have $91,038 in pledge payments scheduled in the months between now and the end of 2013. We have $30,060 due in December 2012 from 34 brothers. It is critical to our ultimate success that every pledge dollar is paid when due. Pledge payments due in 2013 that are made on time, and better yet in advance, will help us reduce our interest expense. The project cost as currently modeled is $1,078,970, which is within our expectations and our ability to manage debt retirement as planned after 2013; provided every brother meets, or accelerates, his remaining monthly payment(s).
You will continue to receive updates from us in 2013. We will keep you posted on final project cost, pledge payment collection performance, and other chapter news. Other chapter news will include rush results, which are expected to receive a boost from the completed renovation and addition; special chapter room memorabilia initiatives; and plans for the 100th anniversary celebration in October 2013.
In these updates we are addressing not only the 380 contributors but each of our more than 700 brothers. Every one of you can take pride in this effort to realize our campaign motto at the bottom of this update. We want everyone to return to 600 Preston Place whenever you are in Charlottesville. You will be warmly welcomed and will be amazed at the transformation of our chapter house. We want every brother to join us in October 2013 and celebrate our rich history of 100 years on Grounds. That said, if you have not made a gift but are now interested in doing so, we welcome that. Go to Your name will be added to the permanent recognition plaque in the chapter room which will be unveiled at the 100th anniversary celebration.
A number of brothers told us during our active gift solicitation that in addition to the commitment made at that time, they would consider an increased donation in 2013. That too would be most welcome as we continue to close the $33,000 gap with our $700,000 campaign goal. Go to
These are among the brothers who have recently stepped up with a new or increased donation: George Stamps ’08, Jeff Bergdahl ’84, Todd Triller ’86, August Raber ’49, Taylor Jefferson ’51, Colin Steele ’56, Jay Garrett ’57, Rob Chambers ’85, and Pete Heller ’95. A complete list of donors can be found here.