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Capital Campaign

Our Capital Campaign is wrapped up and we collected $676,000 from 394 active and alumni brothers. When we started this endeavor our initial planning assumed a 95% collection rate (5% was assumed to be uncollectible). The University of Virginia Alumni Association advised that we should revise our optimistic view and expect a 7% uncollectible level based on their experience with other capital campaigns at the University. It is with great pride that we inform you Theta Chi created a new standard at the University. As of the date of this letter we have collected 99.9% and based on promises received expect that we will collect 100%. Once again a special thanks to the Capital Campaign Committee and especially to Grady Lewis (’65) who logged countless hours on the telephone and sent emails in the thousands. Grady will tell you it is a team effort and he is right but our team captain did an incredible job.