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Otto Warmbier


Otto Warmbier


As most of you know Otto Warmbier was a brother of the Xi Chapter of Theta Chi in the Class of 2017. A number of alumni have asked what they might do to help. The Warmbiers have indicated that they do not want or need any financial assistance. We have received suggestions for scholarships or improvements to the House in Otto’s memory. The Board will be meeting this weekend to discuss alternatives and will be posting updates on our website soon: 

Otto Warmbier was born 1994 in Cincinnati, Ohio. After graduating 2nd in his class from Wyoming High School, Otto enrolled in UVA in the fall of 2013. He joined Theta Chi in spring 2014. He passed away June 19, 2017 following his arrest and incarceration in North Korea. Following is a statement from Otto’s fraternity brothers Carter Levinson and Austin Simpson that captures Otto’s spirit and legacy. 

“Our hearts go out to the Warmbier family in this difficult time for them and for Xi Chapter. To many of us at UVA, Otto embodied the ideal student. He had his individual quirks that UVA loves, recognizes, and encourages. He was full of adventure and embodied the questioning spirit of forward progress that academics long for. He symbolized individualism, unabated by anything or anyone around him. But in order to know who Otto truly was, we must lean on those that knew him. To us, Otto was a source of inspiration. He was a model for drive, energy, and compassion. He had the ability to put his nose to the grindstone and get things done. He represented the epitome of friendship. He had an ability to feel when his friends were in need, and he would give anything to offer them an assisting hand. What occurred to Otto can never be changed or explained. We cannot fathom what he went through, however we can learn from his life. We can all, in some way, be benefited by being more like Otto.”

Here  is a link to the University’s website. If you would like to stay up to date on plans for honoring Otto and other issues going forward, be sure to join the Alumni Facebook group. You can also search Facebook for “Theta Chi Xi Chapter Alumni”.

Update: We have established a fund at the University of Virginia Alumni Association for the Theta Chi Otto Warmbier Memorial Fund. Click on the link to make a gift. 


Your Board of Directors is always happy to hear from you:

Rick Nadeau (’76) – President

Will Teass (’97) – Vice President

Spencer Phillips (’85) – Corporate Secretary

Patrick Higgins (’10) – Treasurer

Bill Sullivan (’67),

Mike Atwood (’74)

Mark Williamson (’81),

Mark Chinn (’91),

Chris Winter (’07),