Out of respect for the family’s wishes we have suspended collection of donations to Otto’s memorial fund. We will update you once we get direction regarding the family’s wishes

The Board of the Theta Chi Alumni Corporation and Carter Levinson (Class of 2017 and President of the Chapter in 2016) have been communicating and all are enthusiastic to create an appropriate, fitting, and lasting tribute to Otto Warmbier. The Board, the younger alums and the current Chapter members also desire a tribute that is consistent with the Warmbier family wishes and with Otto’s personality and interests. Otto had significant intellectual curiosity and this manifested itself through an interest in travel. Otto was energized by his friendship with Martin Powell and Otto loved living in the garage at Theta Chi.
Carter Levinson and several brothers from the class of 2017 have been tasked by the current Chapter members and the alums from the class of 2017 to represent them in choosing an appropriate approach to honor their brother. Their deliberations will include communication with the Warmbier family. This process might take some time and we have agreed that we should not rush but rather be thoughtful and consider all views.
We have established a fund at the University of Virginia Alumni Association for the Theta Chi Otto Warmbier Memorial Fund. If you have an interest in donating now you can by clicking on the box below. If you are interested, but prefer to wait until we have been able to coordinate with the family please send an email to one of the members of the Board of Directors listed below giving us an idea of the amount of a pledge you are contemplating and any possible restrictions you might feel appropriate. We need to recognize that we need to allow the family to establish the pace in this endeavor. Accordingly, this may take some time before we can have meaningful conversations with Warmbier family. We plan to communicate with you whenever we know something that we think might be interesting to the broader alumni group.
Theta Chi’s Otto Warmbier Memorial Fund
Your Board of Directors is always happy to hear from you:
Rick Nadeau (’76) – President rjnadeau333@aol.com
Will Teass (’97) – Vice President will@teass.com
Spencer Phillips (’85) – Corporate Secretary spencerrp802@gmail.com
Patrick Higgins (’10) – Treasurer phiggins388@gmail.com
Bill Sullivan (’67), wbsuva@msn.com
Mike Atwood (’74) atwood.mike@verizon.net
Mark Williamson (’81), mwilliamson@mcguirewoods.com
Mark Chinn (’91), chinn6@gmail.com
Chris Winter (’07), christopherwwinter@gmail.com
updated: 10/2017