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New Xi Chapter Alumni Corporation Board Members

Mike Jones ’73

Mike graduated in 1973 with a degree in Electrical Engineering.  He worked in his home town of Bedford, VA, for three years before returning to the Darden School.  He served as Treasurer of Theta Chi in 1972, and was also Treasurer of Xi Chapter Alumni from 1976 to 1978. For most of his working career, Mike worked in marketing and general management in the Midwestern U.S., first in St. Louis with Emerson Electric and ITT, and later in Chicago with S&C Electric Co.  During that time he also spent four years in Suzhou, China, starting up and managing S&C’s Asia-Pacific assembly factory.

Ready to leave Chicago winters behind, Mike and Kim (Little Sister 1976) relocated to Charlottesville in 2016. Mike looks forward to serving on the board and re-engaging with both current brothers and alumni.

Will Moomaw ’14

Will Moomaw graduated from UVA in 2014 with a double major in both History and Government. While a brother of Theta Chi, he served as both Rush Chair and President and was part of the first group to live a full year in the newly renovated house.

After growing up in Charlottesville and going to school there, Will decided to stay in the area to pursue a career in digital marketing. He is currently a Team Lead at a digital marketing agency located on the downtown mall. He recently purchased a house near downtown and lives there with his fiancé, cat, and dog.

Now as a member of the board, Will is looking forward to serving with the House and Grounds Committee to help keep the house in good condition. As a young alumnus, he also looks forward to keeping recent classes engaged in the goings-on of the fraternity, Homecomings, and Reunions.