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House and Grounds Updates – April 2019

We’ve been diligently working to maintain the house and protect the large investment we made during the remodel and expansion a few years ago. Assuming the city is still standing in the event of a NCAA Tournament Championship celebration, we’ll continue to monitor the property and make needed repairs, maintenance, and improvements.

The largest upcoming project is to replace the wood floors on the main level of the house which is discussed in more detail in the last Xi-Lights. A much smaller scale project is replacing the entry door to the garage; it has aged poorly, has some rot in along the bottom, and the jamb is so bad that the door doesn’t open and close properly. As good landlords we need to attend to the door this spring. Another item on our radar for the summer is replacing the refrigerator; it already looked dated when I pledged in 2004 and is starting to show the wear and tear you’d expect from a fraternity house appliance.

As a reminder, in the past 18 months we’ve tackled a lot: taken down one large tree precariously leaning over the house, extensive repainting of the main level of the house, yard work, pressure washing, new benches, new tables, four new windows, new lavatory sinks, and lots of minor repairs. All of that work is only possible through the generosity of alumni so I’d encourage you to not only donate, but to also return to Charlottesville and make some new memories in the house.