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House and Grounds Report – December 2019

Now that the new floor has been installed, the House & Grounds subcommittee has been able to focus on smaller projects and lay out a roadmap for the next 12 months. As mentioned in the last Xi Lights, our next major project will be on the gutters and drainage system as the old part of the basement has been experiencing flooding during heavy rainstorms. The subcommittee is currently seeking estimates on the work and hopes to have everything completed by the summer of 2020 at the latest.

A smaller project that was recently completed was installing a security camera on the side of the house facing Sigma Chi. Over the past 12 months, that side of the house had experienced significant damage and the undergraduate brothers expressed the urgency of upgrading the house’s security measures. The new camera gives full coverage to that side of the house, and both the Alumni Board and undergraduate leadership have access to the system. Since adding the camera, there has been a significant reduction in damage coming from that side of the neighborhood.

Additionally, the Board and undergraduates continue to discuss possible updates to the Garage. The Garage was not renovated along with the house in 2012, so there is opportunity for improvement. If any work is done, both sides want to maintain the Garage as a cheaper housing option for the brotherhood. We are also exploring ways to improve our landscaping efforts so that we maintain a high standard for the entire property without putting undue responsibility on the current residents.