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Undergraduate Report – December 2019

The undergraduates recently elected Georgi Solar ’22 as President for the upcoming school year. Georgi is a second year Commerce major. Ryan Partridge ’20, the outgoing President, has an update on house activities below.

“Hello Brothers!

What a year it has been for the Xi Chapter! I am proud to announce, for the second semester in a row, that we have beaten the fundraising record for our philanthropy. For those who aren’t aware, all proceeds of our philanthropic efforts are donated to On Our Own, a local, peer-run mental health recovery center located here in Charlottesville. We were able to raise $8,260 through t-shirt and wristband sales in promotion of our semesterly event, Music for Mental Health. The event was hosted and sponsored by Boylan Heights on the Corner and supported by donations from many other individuals, alumni, and local businesses. Special thanks to Chas Anderson ’20 and Andrew Craver ’21 for their efforts as philanthropy chairmen in organizing our chapter’s efforts! We look forward to Gordie Graham ’21 and, newly reelected, Andrew Craver ’21 to continue our progress next semester.

Earlier this semester, a few brothers of the Xi Chapter were fortunate enough to attend Martin Powell’s book signing downtown. Martin’s book, Living at the Heart of the UVA Community: Alderman Library, Madison House, Theta Chi & Beyond, provides an inspiring account of his life and connection to our brotherhood. Martin remains an avid enthusiast of UVA sports (which is always one of the primary subjects of discussion at our regular lunch meetings) and the Xi Chapter of Theta Chi. There is so much to learn from Martin and we are consistently inspired by his kindness and character. A special thanks to that have specifically supported our continued relationship with Martin.

It was a pleasure to see many of our alumni at our annual Homecoming tailgate earlier this semester. Each year I’m reminded through stories of alumni that, although the times change, our unique fraternity experience has not. A special thanks to Mark Chinn ’91, Will Teass ’97, and Bill Sullivan ’67 and the rest of the alumni board who have given so much time and effort so we can continue to make the memories and experiences that bring us back every year.

I am very thankful to have had the opportunity to serve as chapter president this past year. It was a tremendous learning experience (that could hardly be replicated in any classroom), and has brought me some of my closest friends. At the end of this semester, Georgi Solar ’22 will take over as president, and I can’t wait to see where he takes the chapter in 2020.

Ryan Partridge ’20