November 2021
I am often asked how the house and brothers are doing. I would say very well, considering all the challenges that fraternity members and students have had to deal with in the past few years. Due to restrictions on social gatherings, the popularity of remote classes, and the need to socially isolate, the house has seen heavy use by those brothers renting and living in the house during the last two years. As we consider maintenance projects, we find construction labor and materials more expensive to get and more challenging to schedule. The Board is committed to maintaining the house in a condition that serves the active brothers and honors the time and effort expended by many Alumni through the Capital Campaign and the Annual Fund.
If you would like to help in our ongoing maintenance efforts, the easiest way is to make a donation through our Annual Giving program. With the end of year approaching, there’s no better time to make a contribution to Xi Chapter. We appreciate your past generosity and are happy to see more donations coming in from recent graduates.
Use the link below to make a 2021 donation to Theta Chi and help us continue to maintain and improve our facilities.