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Keeping Up Appearances

As Troy mentioned in his report, the Board appreciates the continued support from alumni brothers through donations and via our Annual Giving Program. Donations go into our general fund for ongoing repairs and maintenance.

One area of maintenance that has been somewhat neglected is the appearance of the front of the house and front yard. With the surge in property values in the neighborhood, owners are investing in landscaping, plantings, and outdoor activity areas. Theta Chi needs to do the same. The front door is quite elaborate, dating back to the original construction, and is worthy of preservation and care. But, it’s showing its age. The first visual impression potential pledges have of Theta Chi as they venture down Grady Avenue is the front yard and entryway.

Some items we would like to address include:

  • Front door side window replacement
  • Replacing broken pediments and pilasters around front door
  • Repainting the front entrance
  • Exterior shutter repair

image of front column of Theta Chi house in need of repairimage of Theta Chi front door in need of repair

To complement these improvements, Jim Snyder (ʼ71) created some sketches showing what some strategically-placed bushes and shrubs could do to add to the appearance of the house.

Sketch of front of house with mock shrubs included along front entranceIn addition to the entryway improvements above, we would add to our project list:

  • Landscaping and plantings in front of the house
  • Hedge improvements and tree removal in front yard

Please support our efforts to maintain 600 Preston Place in keeping with the surrounding neighborhood!

Help Maintain 600 Preston Place