Xi Chapter of Theta Chi starts out the fall 2023 semester with 41 returning brothers, 15 of whom live in the house and garage. The chapter held elections recently, and Jacob Perez was elected President. Congratulations, Jacob!
Due to increasing liability exposure, the board and brothers agreed to experiment with keeping the house unoccupied during these past summer months. This was accomplished with very little impact. The revised chapter lease for 2023-2024 will run through the end of the spring semester. The house will then be unoccupied for the summer months, and re-opened in mid-August for move-in.
One major repair that is currently underway is the replacement of the garage doors. These are original to the structure and have deteriorated over time. Thanks to the assistance of Brian DeCanio, father of current House Manager Tom DeCanio, the doors are being replaced with a structural wall that is waterproofed on the bottom to prevent water ingress. Non-functioning bathroom fixtures are also being replaced. Many thanks to Brian!