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Thank You, Donors!

Group photo of Theta Chi alumni and their familiesXi Chapter is blessed to have alumni that actively support the house through personal time investment, donations, sharing their expertise, and by supporting events and activities. Too often we are caught in fund-raising mode to remember to pause and express our appreciation for these contributions. So, this issue of Xi-Lights focuses on our 2023 donors. The Board recognizes the following alumni, wives, parents, and friends for their help during the spring and fall semesters of 2023.

2023 Contributors to the Annual Fund, Martin Powell Fund, and the Quentin Alcorn Fund

  • Michael and Diane Atwood
  • Jeff Baker
  • William Burgess
  • Jason and Michelle Brown
  • Arthur Bryant III
  • Chris and Diedra Burton
  • Robert and Lisa Campbell
  • Robert Consolazio
  • Samuel Casscells IV
  • Tyler Chung
  • Kenneth and Frances Deagman
  • John and Daphne Elliott
  • Elizabeth Foley
  • Mr. James N. Garrett, Jr.
  • Robert and Karen Gioia
  • Michael and Kim Jones
  • Troy Knowlton
  • Patrick and Elizabeth Harrison
  • August Kahsar
  • Jake Kenneally
  • Kendra Keyser
  • Andrew and Romy Kirwin
  • Miles Kirwin
  • Samantha Mazza
  • Mr. James R. McCarty
  • Rose E. McCauley
  • Babak Mohaghegh-Yazdi
  • Rachel Kelly Moore
  • Alexander and Joelle Park
  • Owen Petito
  • Paul Purves
  • Mark A. Rems
  • Charles Tilley
  • Paul Troiano
  • Julia Trull
  • Duane and Sharan Wilder

We would also like to thank our alumni who have contributed to various projects around the house:

  • Brian DeCanio, garage door reconstruction
  • Jim Snyder, landscaping
  • Rob Bentley, kitchen freezer
  • Will Teass, architectural advice

Image of various repairs in the Theta Chi house