The Advisory Committee, chaired by Rick Nadeau, has done a deep dive into some of our financial issues. Troy Knowlton has discussed our new housing situation with our insurance carrier. Our mortgage was renegotiated in 2021 and is fixed through 2031. Our thanks go out to the following alumni who have volunteered their time and expertise in dealing with some complex tax, zoning, insurance, and fundraising issues. The alumni include Kyle Schnobelen, Al Park, Dave Nadeau, Ross Holden, Will Teass, Curt Schade, Ben Tisdell, Mark Hebden, Mark Chinn, Mark Borghesani, Vlad Tambaum, Andy Feinour, and Rick Nadeau. Our short-term issues will be resolved shortly, but there are medium- and long-term issues that this team will be asked to address. Thanks Guys!