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Xi-Lights – November 2018

I hope everyone is enjoying this amazing Fall. Several weeks ago we celebrated a fantastic Homecomings weekend in Charlottesville that many of you attended. The weekend had special significance as we commemorated our 50th year in our 600 Preston Place House.

1968 – 2018 is quite a run for our House and our brothers, and we wanted to throw a party worthy of the occasion. Kicking off the festivities on Friday night, we hosted nearly 100 guests at the Paramount Theater for an lively evening of cocktails and hors d’oeuvres. Attendees included alumni from seven decades, undergraduate members of the chapter, and many guests including Martin Powell (for more on Martin and his relationship with Theta Chi see the Undergraduate Report article). On Saturday our annual pre-game tailgate at Theta Chi attracted an even larger gathering for barbecue, fried chicken, and a beverage or two. Perhaps best of all, UVA’s football team rewarded our fans with an unexpected but much deserved win against Miami to cap off the evening. To all those who joined and shared the weekend with us, thank you – it was a terrific time and fun to catch up with so many of you.

As an update on your alumni board, we met at the house for our annual meeting the Sunday of Homecomings weekend. Rick Nadeau ’76 and Spencer Phillips ’85 stepped down after completing their consecutive three-year terms. Rick served as President for most of his years on the board, and Spence served as both Secretary and a member of the House and Grounds Committee. They are passionately committed to Xi Chapter, and we thank them for their service and especially their friendship these past six years. As we thank Rick and Spence, we are excited to announce the election of new board members Mike Jones ’73 and Will Moomaw ’14. Both Mike and Will have already made an impact on our efforts as alumni volunteers as you’ll see in their spotlights in this newsletter.

In financial news, the end of 2018 will mark the close of our five-year Annual Fund campaign. Over 160 alumni have pledged nearly $160,000 to support capital projects beyond the scope of the 2013 renovation. Thank you to all who have contributed. The house continues to benefit from your generosity, with new capital projects approved for 2019 that include replacement of the main level floors next summer. See the House and Ground update for more details.

Please send any of the board your feedback and join our mailing list to stay updated on news and events. We hope you have a terrific Thanksgiving and holiday season. Go ‘Hoos!

Homecomings 2018

Homecomings weekend marked the commemoration of our 50th year at 600 Preston Place. In recognition of this milestone, we hosted an extended weekend celebration. A terrific turn-out by our alumni, the undergraduate chapter, and special guests converged in Charlottesville to celebrate together.

From the Paramount Theater, to the pre-game tailgate, to the game and fans storming the field after a big win against Miami, we have begun to capture your photos of the weekend. Click the link below to see current pictures and to add your own.


Undergraduate Report

The Xi Chapter of Theta Chi continues to thrive. The 51 members of the undergraduate chapter just elected their new executive team including President-elect Ryan Partridge. Ryan and his team will succeed current President James Childress in January.

The brothers hold their main charitable event, the annual Battle of the Bands, later this month. Following this event, focus will shift to Rush preparations for January / February of next year.

See James Childress’ article and update for more on the chapter’s activities including the annual convention over the summer. Read More.


New Xi Chapter Alumni Corporation Board Members

Your Alumni Corporation Board met in the Willie Alexander Room at the house on Sunday, October 14 following Homecomings, to host our annual alumni meeting.

In addition to updates on improvement projects, finances, and fundraising (see those articles in this newsletter), we also elected Mike Jones and Will Moomaw as new board members. We look forward to Mike and Will’s contributions – learn more about them by viewing their profiles.

House & Grounds Updates

The House & Grounds Committee has kept busy with a number of projects this Fall.

We’ve removed 3 trees this Fall, two in the front yard and a third just recently that posed a risk to our property.

Homecoming guests might have noticed the new front windows, and new pedestal sinks are being installed in the party room.

Our big project for 2019 is replacement of the main level floors and stairs.

Treasurer’s Update

The Alumni Corporation continues to serve as the landlord and steward of the house, supporting the chapter through maintenance and improvement projects.

Our financial standing is solid, with a sufficient operating account and capital fund. The Corporation manages regular operating expenses (including mortgage, insurance, taxes, and minor maintenance activities) through annual rent of $65,650.

Read more to see a summary of our operating results from our annual meeting presentation in October. Read More.

Chapter Philanthropy Spotlight

Since the passing of chapter President Quent Alcorn in 2015, Xi Chapter of Theta Chi has worked with UVA’s National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and supported a Charlottesville-based support service named On Our Own.

Theta Chi’s upcoming Battle of the Bands proceeds will benefit NAMI, On Our Own, and “If You’re Reading This”, a UVA-focused mental health awareness organization.

Read more about the Chapter’s dedication to supporting people with mental illness and how to provide your own support. Read More.