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Category: News

Moomaw Re-elected to Board

November 2021 At the board meeting in October, Will Moomaw ’14 was re-elected to another 3-year term on the board. Will has ably served as House and Grounds Chair. Will is now enrolled in Vanderbilt’s MBA program, and shares the House and Grounds duties with Pete Skelly ’05.


Reunions Weekend 2022

November 2021 Because the Alumni Association postponed the last several Reunions weekends, they will make up for all the missed classes with a multi-year gathering in early June. According to the Alumni website, the following schedule is planned: June 2-5, 2022 Classes of 1962, 1967, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987 and the Thomas Jefferson […]



November 2021 With the existing mortgage note through Atlantic Union Bank due for refinancing in 2024, and with interest rates at historic lows, the Board decided to refinance the outstanding $350,000 loan taken out in 2013. Thanks to the efforts of Treasurer Troy Knowlton ’92, Pete Skelly ’05, and Patrick Higgins ’10, we were able […]


Quent Alcorn Scholarship Update

November 2021 Thanks to the determined efforts of several alumni, including Rick Nadeau ’74, Bill Sullivan ’67, Mark Chinn ’91, and Miles Kirwin ’13, the Quent Alcorn Scholarship surpassed its goal of raising $200,000—the actual amount raised was $220,000. In 2016, when the Scholarship was begun, the Alumni Board agreed to make a one-time donation […]


Homecomings Weekend Information

Brothers, Summer’s greetings from Charlottesville! We are planning our first in-person event since 2019, our traditional Alumni Tailgate before the UVA-Duke football game on October 16. More details about Homecomings Weekend, including our annual meeting, will be forthcoming in the next couple of weeks, but I do want to make you aware of two things: […]


XI Lights – June 2021

Message from the President President, Mike Jones ’73, provides updates on changes to Covid restrictions in Charlottesville, the Quent Alcorn Scholarship, and much more.     Treasurer’s Report Treasurer, Troy Knowlton ’92, provides updates on the work done by the Alumni Corporation as well as mortgage and loan updates regarding the house. Read the full report […]


2021 Homecomings Tailgate

We are excited to bring back our annual pre-game tailgate at Theta Chi on Saturday, October 16 ahead of the UVA football homecoming game against Duke. Block the weekend today and join us! We’ll have more information and links to ticket purchases and hotel blocks in our summer Xi-Lights In addition, we’ll hold our Alumni […]


2021 Quent Alcorn Memorial Scholarship Recipient

The alumni board continues to support the Quent Alcorn Memorial Scholarship in memory of our brother who passed in 2015. This spring, the scholarship trustees achieved their goal of raising a $200,000 endowment from hundreds of donors (many of them Theta Chi brothers) in just 6 years. The scholarship now has the ability to award […]


Undergraduate Report – June 2021

Hello brothers, My name is Clay Hardy, and I am deeply honored and grateful to say that I am the newly elected undergraduate President of the Xi Chapter. I hope all of you are enjoying a wonderful start to your first summer following the hectic year that all of us have seen. Although the past […]


House and Grounds Report – June 2021

Although this year brought new challenges to the entire world, the House and Grounds Committee was able to use a less busy fraternity calendar to get ahead on a long list of projects. The largest project involved extensive repairs to the drainage system in the old part of the basement. This project included repairs to […]


Treasurer’s Report – June 2021

The Alumni Corporation continues to serve as the landlord and steward of the house, supporting the chapter through house maintenance and improvement projects. Our financial standing is solid, with a sufficient operating and capital reserves. We continue to rely upon your annual giving for both reducing the principal of our debt and for capital improvements […]


Message from the President

June 2021 I’m happy to report that there are signs of restoration in retail life in Charlottesville. Outdoor seating at the downtown mall was moderately full, and several stores have taken the lull in activity to make improvements to their buildings. So, when you do return to Charlottesville, you will see some new storefronts, but […]


Virtual Tailgate and Annual Meeting

Although it unfortunately will not be possible to meet in Charlottesville this fall, we will be continuing our alumni weekend tradition with a virtual event: The Virginia football game versus Louisville will no longer take place on Saturday, November 7, cancelling the Theta Chi Virtual Tailgate. We are encouraging all attendees to please register and […]


Undergraduate Updates – Fall 2020

Hello Brothers, I hope everyone enjoyed their summer and stayed safe during these uncertain times. Although this semester is unlike any other, the undergraduates are happy to be back in Charlottesville and our third-year brothers are excited to finally live in the house. With the pandemic still going on and the school’s policy restricting events, […]
