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Image of Creeper singingOur unique and beloved very special spirit and soul…Creeper was so special and beautiful…he was such a vital guy — a soul man Peter Pan, almost, in the way he refused to grow old with the rest of us — that it makes you twinge all the same…has been a constant source of advice, compassion, and just good company for the generations of students…he was the only living connection between all the Deke classes…We are all very foutunate to have known Creeper and to have been his friend…He will always be a part of being a DKE…faithful and loyal friend…

He probably knows everyone who’s ever been a DKE in the past 30 years…provided moral support for all the brothers of DKE…He touched many lives and hearts. I am blessed to have been one…This was a great man who had a joy…He gave us all so many memories of our own enjoyment of what life can bring and for it we will all be forever deeply in his debt…What an incredible blessing we all share to have had a man like Creeper in our lives…Creeper would be pleased to know that Deke brothers who have lets say been out of touch have reconnected to our righteous brotherhood. It’s good to have them back…when I remember him, a smile comes to my face…Creepo will be sorely missed but will remain alive in all our hearts…firm handshake, his big smile and gentle demeanor…there are a lot of people that love him…

He will be with us always…