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Introducing: The Bolívar Network’s Mentoring Program

We are looking for both volunteer mentors and mentees that would be interested in participating in a pilot mentoring program. As a mentee/mentor, you will be part of a dynamic group of UVA Bolívar Network members who are dedicated to professional development and supporting each other’s success. This program provides a valuable platform for sharing knowledge, experiences, and insights, fostering a strong sense of community among our network.

For mentors the commitment would be up to two hours per month total to mentor one or possibly two mentees. The duration of the commitment would be six months.

For mentees, a similar commitment will be expected of one hour a month for a duration of six months. Mentees would be able to discuss topics with their mentor, such as:

  • Navigating the workplace
  • Managing upwards
  • Working in teams
  • Job search tips
  • General career advice

We are really looking forward to launching this program and witnessing the meaningful connections and growth that this mentorship journey will bring!

If you are interested in participating, please complete this survey!

Best regards,
The Bolívar Network, Professional Development Committee