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Tradition of Leadership

DKE at Virginia has a long and proud history of leadership at the University for which it is justly renowned. Our DKE Chapter has produced three Rectors of the University, 13 members of the Board of Visitors, 14 presidents of the University’s Alumni Association, and 55 Alumni Association Board members. The Chapter’s record of student leadership is unparalleled.

As of the Chapter’s 150th Anniversary, it had numbered among its alumni:

  • At least 16 chairs or vice-chairs of the University’s cherished Honor System (records are not available for the System’s first 48 years);
  • At least 16 members of the Judiciary Committee;
  • 83 class and school officers including 31 presidents;
  • 42 members of the Inter-Fraternity Council including 8 presidents;
  • Over 100 captains of varsity sports;
  • 6 editors of Corks and Curls (the school yearbook) including its founder, and 22 associate editors;
  • 11 Editors-in-Chief of the Cavalier Daily (the school newspaper);
  • 27 members of the Student Council;
  • 11 members of Phi Beta Kappa, 56 members of ODK, and 79 members of The Raven Society, all of which recognize outstanding academic achievement;
  • 347 members of the two ribbon societies that honor leaders (TILKA and ELI BANANA);
  • 218 members of the two ring societies that recognize outstanding leaders (IMP and Z);
  • 28 members of the 13 Society recognizing outstanding members of the University community (there can only be 13 members at one time including faculty);
  • 52 known members of the University’s revered secret Seven Society (membership is only revealed upon death);
  • 50 members of the Student Union Programs Council;
  • 284 members of the University’s Political Societies (Lamda Pi and Skull & Keys);
  • 343 members of the University’s social societies (German and Pk) including 17 presidents.

In addition to their contributions to the leadership of the University, DKE brothers have been stalwart in their patriotism. Over 50 brothers have served in ROTC and 17 brothers have given their lives serving their country in three wars.