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Category: Newsletter

Update on the Annual Campaign, September 2021

September 2021  Earlier this year, we kicked off an annual campaign with the objective of sustaining the chapter through a very challenging time and giving the brothers the opportunity to grow the chapter back to a sustainable size. After evaluating the issues facing the chapter, we established a goal for our 2021-2022 annual campaign of […]



With the beginning of the new school year, the brotherhood is shifting focus from repairing the house to recruiting new brothers for our chapter. The Alumni Advisory Group is planning a rush workshop with the actives in September to help them kick off a successful recruitment effort. This workshop will focus on a year-round rush […]


Update on the House, September 2021

September 2021 The Alumni Advisory Group organized two alumni work weekends this summer. More than two dozen alumni from Virginia, Maryland, DC, West Virginia, and North Carolina came back to Charlottesville to help the current actives fix up the house. The work completed included: • Structural, plumbing, and wiring repairs in several rooms • Installation […]


Get Involved

We intend to stay in touch with all alumni on a regular basis throughout the year.  Our Alumni Advisory Group team is working with the UVA Alumni Association’s Alumni Interest Group (AIG) division to facilitate quarterly messages and create a Phi Sigma Kappa website for our Chapter.  This work is still in progress, but you […]


Chapter Update: Building the Brotherhood

COVID-19 made the 2020-21 school year difficult, and UVA and Phi Sig were both impacted.  Over 80% of classes were held virtually, fall rush was canceled, and spring rush was greatly limited.  Several athletic events were canceled, and attendance at football and basketball games was limited to the families of the players and coaches.  The […]


Annual Campaign for the House

The Alumni Advisory Group has worked closely with the chapter to help them over the near-term membership challenge and allow them to re-establish themselves as a strong fraternity.  We will need help from as many alumni as possible to be fully successful.  We have identified four immediate issues that cannot be overcome without an alumni […]


Alumni Advisory Group

The House Corporation is named the Column Club, after the local fraternity that re-chartered as Psi Chapter in 1953.  The purpose of the house corporation is to hold legal title to the chapter house and to contribute the continuity necessary to provide a home for Psi Chapter. The house corporation’s board of directors realize that […]
