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Category: News & Events

2014 SAM Alumni Weekend

On October 25th, over 50 alumni, family, and friends attended our postgame alumni tailgate at the newly purchased house on Chancellor Street.  After a disappointing loss to North Carolina in typical UVA fashion, it was great to eat and share stories with all our brothers from past years. Looking through the fraternity scrapbooks and listening […]

News & Events

2014 Upcoming Events

Join us for these Upcoming events: ·         Sammy Miami, April 11th ·         All You Can Eatsters, April 20th ·         Foxfield, April 26th

News & Events

2014 Housing Update

Living on Chancellor Street has provided many opportunities for us. We have had consistently stronger recruiting, higher brotherhood presence in the house, and a stronger reputation within UVA. As we spend more time in the Chancellor Street house we have continued to make it our own. Earlier this year the brotherhood got together and repainted […]

News & Events

2014 Recruitment

Rush has been a big focus for us this year. Throughout the fall semester we worked hard to reach out to as many rushes as possible. By networking through our high schools and hosting a number of events to meet first years, we were able to get a good sense for many of the potential […]

News & Events

2014 Philanthropy Chairs

Last semester, the Chapter hosted its 3rd Annual Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament. We were able to raise over $800 directly benefitting the Judy Fund at the Alzheimer’s Association, SAM’s national philanthropy. Currently we are finishing out our letter campaign and looking forward to our next event in a couple weeks. This semester we are having […]

News & Events

2014 Alumni Recorder

This year we had a very successful alumni tailgate hosted by Randy Shapiro for the VMI football game on September 21st. After the game we had a great BBQ dinner at the house, where the alumni were able to come meet more of the brotherhood and get a better feel for the house on Chancellor […]

News & Events

2014 Prior’s & Vice Prior’s Report

As we began our tenures as leaders of the Beta Psi chapter, we set about to accomplish multiple goals. Among them was to host a phenomenal Spring Rush to replace our graduating fourth years and to improve our standing with SAM nationals and the UVA Inter-Fraternal Council. We have succeeded in these areas with a […]

News & Events