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Undergraduate Effort

Casey Cooke (’15) reports that the undergraduate chapter had an excellent spring semester, starting with a very successful Rush. Led by Rush Chairs, Andrew Bonaventura and Brett Warnick, Theta Chi experienced record turnouts to all of its events. Through careful deliberation, the brothers slowly dwindled down the pool and ultimately extended 23 bids. Now with the semester coming to a close, there are 17 newly initiated Xi Chapter of Theta Chi brothers. The pledge initiation process begins and ends in the second semester of the year.

As an attachment we have included the IFC statistics so you can see the size of the pledge classes and the brotherhoods. Click on the link to read more: IFC Stats.

One highlight of the Rush season was a visit and talk from Spencer Phillips (’85) who spoke to prospective pledges about what it meant to him to have been a Theta Chi and “What are Fraternities for?”

In addition to maintaining the size and quality of our brotherhood through our Rush efforts, the chapter has been busy putting on several social, brotherhood, and philanthropic events. Here are just some of the highlights.

    • Mountain Weekend- A brotherhood retreat at Wintergreen Resort for a weekend skiing and snowboarding.
    • Date Auction- Our 2nd annual spring philanthropy with Sigma Kappa Sorority to auction off brothers for volunteer services such as caddying, tennis lessons, or cooking a candlelit dinner for two. Through cover charges, t-shirts, donations and auction proceeds, the Chapter raised over $4,500 benefiting the Prostate Cancer Foundation.
    • Spring Formal- The brothers and their dates headed out to Glades Springs Resort in “wild and wonderful” West Virginia for a catered dinner culminating with brothers giving speeches to each 4th year to recognize their contributions to the fraternity and to wish them well in their future endeavors.

Casey had the pleasure of toasting his predecessor, Will Moomaw (’14), who was recently awarded the Inter-Fraternity Council’s “Most Outstanding Chapter President” for his tremendous efforts in carrying forward the momentum generated by the Capital Campaign.

Casey assures us that Chapter is already beginning the planning process for next fall and are looking forward to another great year.