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Xi Lights – April 2019

HOW BOUT THEM ‘HOOS?! I’m writing this following UVA’s defining victories over Purdue and Auburn to make our first Championship game ever, and first Final Four since Olden Polynice, Othell Wilson, Ricky Stokes, Rick Carlisle, and company made their improbable run in 1984. I remember watching that Final Four overtime loss to Houston and can’t believe it was 35 years ago. Fast forward to today and to Tony Bennett’s consistency and excellence of the last 10 years, culminating into this well-deserved trip to the pinnacle of college basketball and, I would add, an appropriate answer to the critics following the disappointment of last year’s first-round loss. Regardless of the outcome in the Championship game, these Cavaliers are have earned national respect and the gratitude of ‘Hoos Nation.

In Xi Chapter news, there’s lots happening with the House and a number of upcoming 2019 events to announce. The undergraduate chapter is celebrating yet another successful rush. In February the chapter extended bids and ultimately received acceptances from 24 new members, an extraordinary accomplishment that demonstrates the thriving nature of UVA’s Greek system generally and of Xi Chapter in particular. See undergraduate President Ryan Partridge’s article for more details on Rush as well as other activities this year.

On Tuesday, April 9, Theta Chi will participate in GivingToHoosDay, a day of online giving for the entire University community to come together to celebrate and support their favorite areas of UVA. This is our first year participating in GivingToHoosDay, and we think the timing is good for us, having wrapped up the five-year Annual Fund campaign at the end of 2018. Both GivingToHoosDay and the Annual Fund campaign help us to raise funds for important capital projects, including the upcoming replacement of the main level floor this summer. You’ll find a link to our GivingToHoosDay website and more about upcoming capital projects in this Xi-Lights.

Finally, we’re excited to announce our two biggest alumni events for 2019 – Reunions Weekend and Homecomings. Our Reunions Weekend Barbeque in June, now in its sixth year, is June 1 and 8. This is one of our favorite times of the year where our returning alumni can re-connect on the patio to share stories over barbeque and a beverage (or two) of choice. Homecomings 2019 is Saturday, November 9 with Virginia facing Georgia Tech. We’re already working with UVA Alumni Association to reserve our traditional block of tickets and will have hotel rooms available as well. You’ll find additional information on Reunions Weekend and Homecomings in the newsletter.

Please send any of the board your feedback and visit our website at to stay updated on news and events. We hope you have a terrific Thanksgiving and holiday season. Go ‘Hoos!

Mark Chinn ’91


April 9 is GivingToHoosDay, a day of online giving for the entire University community to come together to celebrate and support their favorite areas of UVA.

Having just wrapped up our successful five-year Annual Fund campaign at the end of 2018, we decided to participate in GivingToHoosDay for the first time this year.

We plan to use GivingToHoosDay proceeds to supplement our Annual Fund contributions to support new capital projects, including the upcoming replacement of the main level floor this summer.


Undergraduate News

The undergraduate chapter had a busy start to the year, from Rush to charity event planning. Click the link below to read President Ryan Partridge’s report. Read More.

Spring Rush 2019 for Theta Chi was a tremendous success, leading to 24 new members. View the list of these future brothers.

AJ Getter ’19 has written a touching remembrance of the emotional days following news of Otto Warmbier’s passing. Click here to read AJ’s tribute to Otto.


House & Grounds

The House & Grounds Committee is looking forward to a number of capital projects in 2019.

We have already approved the replacement of the aging garage door this spring.

In addition, we will move forward with replacement of the main level floors and stairs over the summer. The current floor, original to the house, is in need of replacement and we’re excited to have finalized a contractor, RE Lee, for this important project.

Reunions Weekend 2019

On June 1 and June 8, 2019 we will host our sixth annual Reunions Weekend barbeques at Theta Chi for alumni celebrating their reunions.

This is a popular and free event we host for returning alumni on Saturday afternoon before the reunion class dinners that evening. We’ll have barbeque and sides plus a selection of favorite beverages for alumni and their families.

Read more for class information and to RSVP to the barbeque.


Homecomings 2019

This year, Homecomings is the weekend of November 8 – 10.

Block the weekend today and plan to join us at our annual pre-game tailgate at Theta Chi on Saturday, November 9th ahead of the football game as the ‘Hoos take on Georgia Tech.

We’ll have more information and links to ticket purchases and hotel blocks in our summer Xi-Lights In addition, we’ll hold our Alumni Association annual meeting on Sunday, November 10 at Theta Chi (time TBA). All alumni are invited to attend.


A Reception with General Bob Neller

Last summer, several Xi alumni and their guests had the honor of joining General Bob Neller (Xi ’75), Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, and his wife for an Evening Parade ceremony at the Marine Barracks in Washington.

A private reception followed in the Commandant’s home, where the brothers shared stories, tall tales, and other remembrances of Theta Chi.

Pictured (from bottom left to right) 1st row: Jim Kenworthy (’76), General Neller 2nd row: Harvey Seegers (’75) 3rd row: Rick Nadeau (’76), Winthrop Watson (’76), Neil Olson (’76) 4th row: Mike McGrew (’75), Mike Atwood (’74).