In the last Xi-Lights, we provided an update on two upcoming projects: replacing four windows and repainting most of the main floor. We’re still working on the windows and trying to find a budget friendly option that meets historic district standards. The Willie Alexander Room was professionally painted in March. The painter did terrific work and we’ll ask him to bid for the additional and larger project to paint the main floor over the summer. The undergraduate’s security deposit will cover the cost to repaint the Willie Room but the corporation will cover the painting this summer.
We had to replace two exterior hose bibs recently. Fortunately, they were only leaking when the hose was in use and the undergrads were quick to notice the problem and notify the board. Piedmont Facilities Management performed the work.
The current house manager, Christian Vagonis, has been doing a nice job with basic maintenance of the house, such as replacing air filters and general cleanliness. Recently the clothes dryer stopped rotating but he was able to diagnose that the belt had just come off track and perform the repair himself.
As always, it is a delicate balance maintaining the property while still managing costs, and your annual giving is critical.