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Category: News

Giving Back

We deeply appreciate the generosity of alumni who have given back to Xi Chapter through their time and donations. At the UVA Alumni Xi Chapter site there are several fund designations for those who would like to donate: The Theta Chi Annual Fund. The fund is designed to establish a reserve for upkeep and repairs. […]


Stay Connected

Looking to stay connected with fellow Xi Chapter alumni? Join the Xi Chapter LinkedIn group. This is a great resource to make professional connections with past and recent graduates and extend a helping hand. Xi Chapter Trivia Can you name the Xi Chapter alumnus who made his final Hollywood film appearance in Gremlins (1984)? In […]


Treasurer’s Report

The alumni association corporation continues to serve as the landlord and steward of the house, supporting the chapter through house maintenance and improvement projects. Our financial standing is solid, with sufficient operating and capital reserves. The Corporation manages regular operating expenses (including mortgage, insurance, taxes, and maintenance activities) through the collection of rent. We continue […]


House and Grounds Report

The house at 600 Preston Place remains in stable condition. Since our last report, we made a few minor improvements, including replacing the washer and dryer. In May 2025, the house will undergo a series of cosmetic improvements, with assistance from our new property management company, MSC, in preparation for the 2025-2026 Academic Year.


Alumni Events

Our annual Homecomings Weekend pre-game tailgate occurred on October 5, 2024, at the house. Thanks to all who attended to catch up on life events, reminisce about the halcyon days, and cheer on the Hoos to a victory over the Boston College Eagles. We are looking forward to Reunions 2025 featuring class years that end […]


President’s Corner

Brothers, First, as I step into my new role as President, I want to thank Mike Jones (Engr ’73) for his years of faithful service to the Xi Chapter. Mike’s contributions to the house and alumni network cannot be overstated, having led the brotherhood through a difficult period over this past year, as the undergraduate […]


Chapter Status

My thanks go out to the Alumni Board and our new Advisory Committee who have been working diligently through all the issues that confront us. I’ll mention them all in this issue of Xi-Lights. First of all, the good news. We think we have a reasonable plan to generate rental income through the suspension period. […]


Undergraduate Status

In March, when hazing allegations were first raised against five fraternities, the IFC and University directed all houses to immediately initiate their pledges. The 29 Theta Chi pledges from the Class of 2024 thus became active brothers in March 2024. All the undergraduate brothers automatically became alumni when National revoked our charter (except for the […]


House Status

Xi Chapter Alumni Association was set up to operate the real estate located at 600 Preston Place and to rent to the undergraduate brothers. Due to the action of the University and National, 600 Preston Place is now a rental property with no specific tenants. For the fall, we will rent to 10 undergraduates who […]


Tax/Loan/Insurance Status

The Advisory Committee, chaired by Rick Nadeau, has done a deep dive into some of our financial issues. Troy Knowlton has discussed our new housing situation with our insurance carrier. Our mortgage was renegotiated in 2021 and is fixed through 2031. Our thanks go out to the following alumni who have volunteered their time and […]


Plans for 2025-2028

The board is in the process of interviewing real estate management firms in the Charlottesville area. We think having an independent firm manage the property on a day-to-day basis will do several things. First, it will find an optimal group of renters, possibly a club or association. With their superior knowledge of the rental market, […]


Fundraising Plans

Several alumni have inquired whether donations are needed. We appreciate those alumni who are currently donating. We think we have a viable operational plan that will cover all expenses for the coming school year, and will soon have a plan in place for years 2-4 of the suspension. We anticipate significant expenses in the year […]


FOA and Charter Status Update

Xi Chapter Alumni, By now you are aware of hazing allegations leveled against Xi Chapter for hazing activities during and after rush. The investigation took place between March and June, and the University’s Policy, Accountability, and Critical Events (PACE) Committee has suspended Xi Chapter’s Fraternal Operating Agreement for a period of four years (2025-2028). Acting […]


Join Us at Reunions 2024

A Reunions reception will be held at the House on June 1 and 8 from 3:30-5:00p.m., later than usual to accommodate Larry Sabato’s popular political summary. Please join us at Preston Place for light refreshments and beverages between Reunions activities!


Spring 2024 Rush Update

Xi Chapter had a successful second semester rush, with 29 undergraduates accepting bids. This is outstanding since the number of first-years rushing was down from last year.
