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Author: Emma Baumgardner

Alumni and Friends of Virginia Rowing Day 2014

Hello Alumni and Friends! The annual Virginia Rowing day/banquet is on the horizon, and we hope you’ll attend! Date: Saturday, November 8. We have several events lined up. First, on Saturday morning, at 9 a.m., dust off your clubs and enjoy some alumni golf at Meadowcreek Golf Course! We cannot emphasize strongly enough that actual […]


Wahoos Retain the SIRA Cup 2014

April 18-19, Oak Ridge, TN VRA retained the men’s team point trophy at the Southern Intercollegiate Rowing Association Championships today. Many of the familiar fast opponents were back again (George Washington, FIT, Temple) with several surprises (Wichita State and Georgia Tech, for instance) thrown into the mix. [nivoslider slug=”wahoos-retain-sira-cup-part-1″] At last year’s SIRA championships, the […]


Virginia Rowing’s Alumni Groups

Steve Plott, ’70, once said, “Nothing unimportant ever happens in a boathouse.” We’ve all experienced the truth of Steve’s observation. Our years at the boathouse changed us forever. The sacrifice and commitment we shared on the water binds us as teammates from one generation to the next. Whether you helped start the program, worked to […]


Virginia Rowing Needs Your Continued Support

Last year we asked you to help us make our budget by contributing at least $120,000 to the general fund. You met the goal! Thank you for your generosity! For perspective on our budget versus the budgets of several varsity teams we race, we spend less than $5,000 per rower, of which $2,000 comes from […]


Christmas 2013 Update

Men’s rowing at the University of Virginia is thriving. This summer saw the team’s fourth trip to the Henley Royal Regatta, where the Hoos lined up against storied opponents, such as Eton College and Harvard University. Before racing in England, we raced at a regional championship at Lake Greifensee, Switzerland, where Virginia raced in small […]


GW Invite 2013

For the first time since 2008, the Wahoos competed in the George Washington Invitational Regatta, in Washington, DC. The weather for the two-day regatta was nearly perfect, and the competition was excellent. Competing crews included the Naval Academy, Florida Institute of Technology, the George Washington University, Georgetown University, and UVa. Races were in dual format—just […]


Class Day Races

The 2nd Annual Virginia Rowing Class Day Races took place under a perfect, clear sky. The Olympic-style format featured each year’s novice class racing its best athletes in singles, pairs, 4s, and 8s. New to this year’s racing format was the Coxswains’ Sprint, a nail-biting event. All races were 500 meters, thereby placing a premium […]


Hoos Enjoy Racing in Tennessee

More crews raced on the first day of the 2013 Head of the Hooch than on any day of any other fall regatta in the United States. Unfortunately the Hoos did not win any gold, but by the end of the second day, 32 VRA athletes had secured medals (23 silver, 9 bronze). The first […]


Record-Setting Times at the Charles

The 2013 Head of the Charles Regatta was yet again a season highlight for UVa. For the fourth year in a row the weather was great, leaving many to wonder when the next snowstorm was due. Saturday’s clear skies and tailwind made for record-setting times in many events. With two UVa alumni 8s entered for […]


Alumni Weekend 2013

VRA Alumni Weekend October 11 & 12, 2013 Plan to join us for the third annual Virginia Rowing Association Alumni Weekend! We’re still finalizing details, but the basic plan is as follows: Friday, October 11 Arrive in Charlottesville Revelry on the Corner, starting at around 8 p.m. Saturday, October 12 Golf at Meadowcreek Golf Course […]
