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Category: Newsletter

Alumni Update

Bill Hamilton ʾ79, Phil Rankin ʾ74, John Armstrong ʾ75, Mickey McGlothlin ʾ74, and Susan McGlothlin are visited by the Cavalier during their tailgate prior to the Miami game. Several brothers from the 1970’s reunited for a football tailgate before the Cavalier’s home game against Miami on October 29. Dick Spicer ʾ77 organized this event along […]


Update on the House

Installation of new flooring in Old Kitchen after asbestos remediation (Bill Hamilton ʾ79, Chandler Williams ʾ91, and Quentin Bearse ʾ01) Thanks to funding from last year’s annual campaign, column club was able to make several important investments in the chapter house since the end of the last academic year. These investments included: Hiring a contractor […]


Update on the Annual Campaign

Joseph Fisher ʾ23 and Hugo Stevenson ʾ24 playing chess on the Rotunda steps Last summer, we kicked off our 2022-2023 annual campaign with a target of $30,000. This target was based on the following goals: Replace the floor in the old kitchen Make repairs and improvements to additional bedrooms and bathrooms Repair or replace dead […]


Chapter Update, May 2022

We are happy to report that the chapter had a successful recruitment year. As we reported in our last update, the chapter recruited four new members during upperclassman rush in the fall. They built on this success in the spring with the recruitment of five additional new members. Please welcome the following new members of […]


Announcing Our 2022-2023 Annual Campaign

Last spring, we started our 2021-2022 annual campaign with the objective of sustaining the chapter through the current academic year and giving the brothers the opportunity to grow the chapter back to a sustainable size. Our initial goal for this campaign was $60,000. We are happy to report that our 2021-2022 campaign raised just over […]


Work Weekend 2022

Last summer, more than two dozen alumni from Virginia, Maryland, DC, West Virginia, and North Carolina came back to Charlottesville for two work weekends to help the current actives fix up the house. The work completed included: Structural, plumbing, and wiring repairs in several rooms Installation of several new doors and frames Refinishing most of […]


Let’s Get Together

We hope to stay in touch with you throughout the year. Please be on the lookout for our newsletters and check out the website for the latest news. If your contact information has changed recently, please take a moment to update our records so we can keep in contact with you. Update Your Information We’d […]


Recruitment Update, November 2021

November 2021 We are happy to report that the chapter’s recruitment efforts for the year are off to a successful start. The brothers conducted an informal fall rush from mid-September to mid-October. The University prohibits recruitment of first-year students during the fall, so this rush was limited to upperclassmen. Despite that limitation, the actives were […]


Update on the Annual Campaign, November 2021

November 2021 Earlier this year, we kicked off an annual campaign with the objective of sustaining the chapter through the current academic year and giving the brothers the opportunity to grow the chapter back to a sustainable size. Our initial goal for this campaign was $60,000. We are happy to report that we have now […]


Update on the House, November 2021

November 2021 We continued improving the house this Fall. Several alumni and actives participated in another work weekend in October, and the AAG hired contractors to complete several important repairs and improvements. The work completed included: Sanding, staining, and sealing the main stairway and the second-floor landing Building a cabinet for the bar sink and […]
