Greetings Xi Brothers,
Homecomings ’12 was a huge success! Over 200 brothers and guests were treated to the renewal of friendships, excellent food and drink, and a firsthand look at the results of the renovation and the progress on the expansion. The enthusiasm for these results was palpable, and rightly so. Take a look at the latest photos of our progress at
We anticipate a mid-December completion of the second phase of the project, the expansion. Both the east and south facing additions are no longer abstractions. The house has an attractive and commanding presence, from both Preston Place and Grady Ave. The final step will be landscaping which is included in our contract. Among other plantings, the plan calls for twelve new trees. Seven are to be planted along Preston Place and Grady Avenue. Species include Willow Oak, and Elm. The chapter brothers share our pride in these results and are looking to a particularly strong spring rush that the completed renovation and addition are sure to enable. In the August edition of this monthly update we reported $643,000 in campaign gifts. As of this date we stand at $665,771. It is gratifying to see that we were able to raise over $22K in the final two months of our appeal. Achieving this additional $22K has enabled the re-instatement of curbing around the perimeter of the house foundation, and the use of ceramic tile in the mixed use room instead of vinyl tile. In addition, we can now more adequately fund furniture, audio/visual equipment and appliances needed in the second phase of the project.
The generosity of more than 375 brothers has enabled this considerable accomplishment. The names of these brothers will be on a permanent recognition plaque in the chapter room. Are you included? As reported to you earlier, we do not plan to actively solicit gifts beyond November 1, 2012. If you have not given, please consider doing so at and join the commitment of your brothers who have pushed us to within $35K of our $700,000 campaign goal.
We have begun the preliminary planning for our 100th anniversary. It will rightfully be a huge multi day celebration. Our current thinking is to schedule it around Homecomings weekend in 2013. You will be hearing much more about these plans in early 2013. These are among the brothers who have recently stepped up with a new or increased donation and are now included in the more than 375 brothers supporting the OX Centennial Plan: Dan Froehlich ’12, Pat Duffy ’12, Jacob Bagwell ’12, Ben Irwin ’11, William Morck ’10, Spencer Lahiff ’10, Joe Kubiak ’10, Tim Sharkey ’10, Casey Cooke ’15, Taylor Smith ’12, Adam Abdulhamid ’12, Jeff Burkhart ’77, Mark Hebden ’80, Rodney Moss ’93, Chris Kyriopolus ’95, Spence Phillips ’85, Peter Bowerman ’79, Andrew Lee ’85, James Parker ’85, Dave Maxwell ’77, Steve Wolf ’94, Tony Comazzi ’66, Bob Neller ’75, Ed Jones ’51, Alex Lheritier ’94, Fred Somers ’58, Lisa Miller ’73, Doug Esposito ’95, Mat Taylor ’94, Dan Stone ’72, David Reilly ’92, Jim Anthony ’77, Troy Knowlton ’92 and Kevin Clayton ’92. A complete list of donor is on the web site below. Is your name listed? Thanks to one and all.