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Centennial Plan | January 22, 2013 Update

Greetings Xi Brothers,

The construction phase of our Centennial Plan is complete. We received our certificate of occupancy from the city and moved into the new spaces on January 9th. Take a look at the latest photos at You will be amazed at the transformation of our chapter house!

The generosity of 381 brothers has enabled this considerable accomplishment. Our capital campaign gift total stands at $670,026.09 and we have collected $601,841.67. We have $68,184 in pledge payments remaining to be collected in 2013, and of that amount $17,701 is past due. It is critical to our ultimate success that every pledge dollar is paid when due. The project cost is $1,100,000. We can retire the amount of forecasted post-2013 debt provided every brother meets, or accelerates, his remaining monthly payment(s).


In the last update we mentioned a special effort to provide chapter memorabilia in the renovated chapter room. Through generous donations separate from the capital campaign we have: 1) ordered two bronze plaques to honor Hovey Dabney, and Willie Alexander; 2) received and framed a UVA/Theta Chi banner belonging to a brother c. 1943; and 3) funded a planned restoration and display of chapter composites. We have a design for a built-in lockable archive display cabinet that is not yet funded. If you are interested in helping to fund the cabinet purchase, send a note to

This will be the last Centennial Plan Update. You can tap into the excellent chapter web site at which will have our rush results as well as other chapter news throughout the year. On the alumni web site we will keep you posted on the plans for our 100th anniversary celebration. It will coincide with Homecomings ’13. The date for Homecomings has not yet been set. As soon as it is you will be informed and provided with information on how to register for the events planned.

This final update addresses not only our 381 contributors but each of our more than 700 brothers. Every brother can take pride in the realization of our campaign theme: “Honor our past and preserve our legacy for future brothers.” Please return to 600 Preston Place whenever you are in Charlottesville.

If you have not made a gift but are now interested in doing so, we welcome that. Go to Your name will be added to the permanent recognition plaque in the chapter room which will be unveiled at the 100th anniversary celebration, and, more importantly, you will help close the $30,000 gap with our $700,000 campaign goal.

These brothers have recently made a new or increased donation: August Raber ’49, Tim Kitt ’88, Conor Shope ’13, Colin Gibbons ’14, and Connor Valenzuela ’14. A complete list of donors is on our web site.

Honor our past and preserve our legacy for future brothers.