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Category: News

House and Grounds Report – 2022

The house will be losing another big tree, the cedar that had been overshadowed for so many years by the dear-departed “Anchor Tree”. The cedar was dying and would eventually become a hazard. The board will consider replacing it or otherwise updating the landscaping in that part of the yard in the future.


Treasurer’s Report and Auditing

Treasurer’s Report The Alumni Corporation continues to serve as the landlord and steward of the house, supporting the chapter through house maintenance and improvement projects. Our financial standing is solid, with sufficient operating and capital reserves. The Corporation manages regular operating expenses (including mortgage, insurance, taxes, and maintenance activities) through annual rent of $75K. We […]


Quent Alcorn Scholarship – 2022 Update

The Quent Alcorn Scholarship, which started in 2016, raised a total of $220,000, including a donation of $20,000 by the Young Alumni Supporters. As agreed, the board will make a one-time donation of $12,500 by the end of 2022. The donations enable the full funding of a $10,000 annual scholarship.


Alumni Board Elections

Alumni Board At the annual meeting on October 9, Tyler Moses ʼ12, Spence Phillips ʼ85, and Jeff Baker ʼ92 were elected to the Alumni Board. The new board members replace Mark Williamson (Vice-President), Mike Atwood (Secretary), and Patrick Higgins (ex-Treasurer) who have each served two consecutive terms and are rolling off the board. My personal […]


XI Lights – July 2022

Reunions Reunions Weekends, delayed by restrictions on in-person group activities for the last few years, were finally held on June 4 and 11, 2022. Celebrations took place on the West Range as well as at the Theta Chi house.   Hazing As reported in the last Xi-Lights, a new state law increasing penalties for hazing […]


Keeping Up Appearances

As Troy mentioned in his report, the Board appreciates the continued support from alumni brothers through donations and via our Annual Giving Program. Donations go into our general fund for ongoing repairs and maintenance. One area of maintenance that has been somewhat neglected is the appearance of the front of the house and front yard. […]


Treasurer’s Report – July 2022

Troy Knowlton (’92) provides the following update: The Alumni Corporation continues to serve as the landlord and steward of the house, supporting the chapter through house maintenance and improvement projects. Our financial standing is solid, with sufficient operating and capital reserves. We continue to rely upon your giving for both reducing the principal of our […]


House and Grounds Report – Spring 2022

With the start of the spring semester, the House & Grounds team has been busy with projects around the property. We recently installed a new dishwasher, washer, and dryer, while also completing some maintenance and repairs to the HVAC system. We have also renewed our lawn care service from previous years to keep the grounds […]


Treasurer’s Report – 2022

The Alumni Corporation continues to serve as the landlord and steward of the house, supporting the chapter through house maintenance and improvement projects. Our financial standing is solid, with a sufficient operating and capital reserves. We continue to rely upon your annual giving for both reducing the principal of our debt and for capital improvements […]


Undergraduate Report – Spring 2022

Hello brothers! My name is James Troiano, and I am the newly elected undergraduate President. I hope that 2022 has been off to a good start for everyone; I know it has been successful on the undergraduate side. I am pleased to say that the chapter has completed another successful rush despite online limitations, resulting […]


President’s Report – Spring 2022

President’s Report The highlight of this issue is Rush. It’s interesting that fraternities continue to thrive in a sometimes hostile environment. Despite a last-minute shift from in-person to on-line rush demanded by the administration to address the Omicron variant in late January, the fraternities had a very successful rush. 920 first year men participated, representing […]


Xi Lights – November 2021

Homecomings Weekend 2021 On October 17, 70 alumni, brothers, and parents enjoyed our traditional tailgate before the Homecomings game versus Duke, the first in-person alumni event since 2019.       Quent Alcorn Scholarship Thanks to the determined efforts of several alumni, including Rick Nadeau ’74, Bill Sullivan ’67, Mark Chinn ’91, and Miles Kirwin […]


Undergraduate Report – Fall 2021

November 2021 Brothers, I am happy to report that the Fall 2021 Xi Lights Undergraduate Report is much brighter than the previous report from spring 2021. As my term as undergraduate draws to a close I am very optimistic about the future of our fraternity. The recently established president-elect, James Troiano, along with Carlos Godoy […]


Annual Giving Update – November 2021

November 2021 I am often asked how the house and brothers are doing. I would say very well, considering all the challenges that fraternity members and students have had to deal with in the past few years. Due to restrictions on social gatherings, the popularity of remote classes, and the need to socially isolate, the […]


Thanks to Jim Johnson

November 2021 In addition to serving on the Board during our Capital Campaign, Jim Johnston ’66 has, for many years, represented Theta Chi on the Fraternity Advisory Council. The FAC meets on a regular basis with representatives from Greek organizations, the IFC, and the Department of Student Affairs. Jim is retiring from this position, and […]
